Friday, 21 November 2014

(Photo-Drama) Nigerian Leaders Have Been Scaling Gates Since 1962.

So, the act whereby the Nigerian Lawmakers were seen scaling the gates of the National Assembly after being prevented from entering into the complex, has been in existence since 1962. lol

The speaker of the House of Reps, Aminu Tambuwal was prevented from gaining access into the House Chamber. Police and fierce looking security men, numbering to hundreds surrounded the complex to make sure the Speaker and his entourage doesn't get into the complex. However the securities were overrun-ed and since the gates were not opened the Lawmakers decided to turn themselves into Jackie Chan and JAmes Bond by scaling the gates. hahaha

Ooohh NIGERIA, the land of jokers.

Well, the scaling however was first done in 1962, where Lawmakers then scaled through gates as well. So, it literally means that it runs in the nations blood.

Nigeria we hail thee.

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